Friday, October 8, 2010

October 8, 2010-3 Hours

The 4th graders at the elementary school today were pre-assessed on their knowledge of call numbers/Dewey system. The librarian that worked with them last year had prior school library experience, only public library. Therefore, the students were not necessarily taught how to use the library. This causes checkout to take much longer than it should. It is Liz's goal to have them have 10 minutes of browsing and checkout time. Hopefully now that we know what students retained from the previous year, we can fill in the gaps and make the students better patrons of the library. After the lesson I assisted with book checkout.

Liz has assigned me the task of teaching a Dewey lesson. We also discussed our problems in the district with technology. We are hoping to build our infrastructure so that it can support more streaming and 21st century tools. It is our hope that technology dollars are not just spent on tools (SMART Boards, Document Cams, iPads), but also on making sure that they tools will work.

Total: 75 Hours
Running Total Secondary: 43
Running Total Elementary: 32

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

October 5, 2010-4 Hours

The American History Students are doing a research project on Native Americans. I have complied a website page with resource databases and some web links. The classes are coming in to research in the library. I give them a presentation on their webpage and also on the resource list of books that I've complied in Destiny Quest.

Total: 72 Hours
Running Total Secondary: 43
Running Total Elementary: 29

October 4, 2010-4 Hours

The Library Curriculum Committee met today to continue in the review process. Lori Mueller, the Director of Curriculum and Director of Technology, facilitated the meeting. Much of our time was spent discussing the fact that Technology needs to improve in the district because that is the majority of our instruction at all levels. We philosophically agree on the direction of the program, and genuinely want it to be better.

Total: 68 Hours
Running Total Secondary: 39
Running Total Elementary: 29

October 1, 2010-3 Hours

At the Elementary School, I observed Liz teach a lesson to 4th graders on how to use Destiny Quest. I then helped with book checkout and using Destiny. After that, Liz and I dealt with holds. We discussed how there needs to be policies and procedures in place for all 4 buildings.

Total: 64 Hours
Running Total Secondary: 39
Running Total Elementary: 25