Thursday, December 2, 2010

November 19, 2010-2 Hours

Today the fourth graders continued to work on their projects. In addition to instruction about Wordle, Liz is teaching them how to save and retrieve documents. This is something that they haven't done in the past. It is also frustrating for Liz because not all of the teachers follow the same curriculum at the same grade level. Therefore, all the different classes have various skills and experiences. The district is trying to get everyone on the same curriculum. As Library Media Specialists, we are trying to develop a list of skills that students should know at each level to assist the teachers. After their time in the computer lab, I assisted with book checkout.

Total: 100 Hours
Running Total Secondary: 54
Running Total Elementary: 46

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

November 18, 2010-3 Hours

The Library Media Specialists in the district along with the Director of Curriculum, Lori, worked on the Library Curriculum today. One of the problems that we are finding is that some teachers are refusing to use technology in their classroom. Or maybe it is not so much refusing than not trusting themselves to use it. With technology changing so fast, for some teachers once they understand a tool, it's seems too late to use it.

Liz and I were able to look over a document from another school district that already compiled for technology and library media. Our plan is to meet with each grade level while they are writing their curriculum to give them benchmarks in technology. We can then also help them brainstorm on the types of activities they could do with their students. This could also lead to collaboration. We think this plan will help our students and our teachers become better users of technology. No we just have to work on their attitudes toward technology.

Total: 97 Hours
Running Total Secondary: 54
Running Total Elementary: 43

November 12, 2010-2 Hours

The fourth graders started a project. Liz asked them to bring their writers notebooks with them, so they would have something to start from. Liz is also going to teach them how to save a document and how to retrieve it from their drive on the network. There were a few problems with computer log ins and Word freezing. Then I assisted with checkout.

Before this project, I shared with Liz that I created a Screencast on how to use for the teachers at the high school. She thinks she might use it with the teachers at the Elementary.

Total: 94 Hours
Running Total Secondary: 54
Running Total Elementary: 40

November 5, 2010-2 Hours

At the Elementary School, we ran into technology problems while she was trying to do a lesson again reviewing the Dewey Decimal System. Slowly but surely the students are starting to connect the dots. We can see this because they are becoming more and more independent during book checkout. Liz did have a backup plan, but the students were very impatient with it.

Total: 92 Hours
Running Total Secondary: 54
Running Total Elementary: 38